Happy Birthday, David Bowie

Happy Birthday, David Bowie

Happy birthday to my constant muse, David Bowie.

Bowie was many things to many people, a musician, an artist, an actor. He was one of the most talented musicians in modern history. A critic once said " David Bowie is the most intellectually brilliant man yet to choose the long-playing album as his medium of expression.”

He helped generations of people feel that it was okay to express themselves, especially if they were outside the norms of what was deemed "acceptable" by society, the weirdling, the outsider or the nonconformist.

"David Bowie was a watermark for how human beings should be and treat each other," Henry Hey

He was a unique personality and talent. He will be remembered as a pioneer who helped shape the culture of our world as it is today.

David Bowie was my creative northstar, a muse, an inspiration to me from the age of 8. He was a special soul on a mission, and the mission is now complete. I know he is truly home now among the stars.

He was a star that burned bright and always will.❤

Thank you for contributing to the wonder of our world, David.

#davidbowie #Bowie75